Foundation Repair In Mesa, AZ

Prescott Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair In The City of Mesa

Mesa, AZ, is filled with interesting attractions such as the Arizona Commemorative Air Force Museum and the Arizona Museum of Natural History. While it isn’t the largest city in the world (let alone Arizona), it is known as the largest suburban city in the United States.

With a large amount of suburbia, plenty of homeowners have to deal with their fair share of foundation issues. Business owners, too. Either way, home and business owners deal with foundation settlement or foundation issues due to improper drainage

These are all things you can deal with no problem, especially when you have a reliable foundation repair contractor to help you. Dalinghaus Construction has been helping home and business owners with their foundations since 2015, finishing over 2,000 foundation repair projects in Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada. Our team is ready with any job you need for your Mesa, AZ, property, having your project done right with attention to detail you can have confidence in.

How will I know if my Mesa, AZ, home or business has foundation issues?

Look out for these signs around your home or business. When you see more than one, we highly recommend you contact a foundation repair specialist to inspect your property.

Arizona isn’t always dry like people tend to think. There is the monsoon season, with unleashes water onto your property. Some homeowners don’t have (or don’t believe in) proper drainage, which causes the moisture to pool next to the foundation. You’ll notice concrete spalling on your footing or rebar blowout, which involves the rebar inside rusting and expanding, destroying the concrete from the inside.

Mesa, AZ, has unique loam soil and properties built with improper drainage. When you find foundation issues, you want to get a foundation repair specialist to evaluate the damage.

How will my foundation inspection happen in Mesa, AZ?

You will first need to schedule a foundation inspection either by calling Dalinghaus Construction or scheduling a free evaluation online. On the day of your foundation inspection, one of our Project Design Specialists will come to your front door at the agreed-upon time.

The foundation inspection is FREE if you don’t plan to sell the property. Properties on the market do have a charge of $1,000, which is credited toward your foundation repair.

Your inspection will last 60-90 minutes as your specialist looks for signs of damage and creates a to-scale diagram with floor elevation measurements. That way it’s transparent what areas are being affected by foundation issues.

You’ll receive a repair plan either the day of or after your inspection, which will include a full report, the CAD drawing made by your specialist, and the recommended foundation repair plan.

Finally, if you move forward with the foundation repair, your project will be underway.

What foundation repair methods will you use for properties in Mesa, AZ?

We don’t want your foundation repair to be overwhelming and invasive. When it comes to underpinning your home or business for stabilization, we use galvanized steel Push pier and Helical pier underpinnings.

Push piers are tubes that use the weight of your structure to be hydraulically driven into the ground until reaching competent soil or bedrock.

Helical piers have helices at the base that allow the pier to be installed separately from the structure, especially if it’s lighter in weight. A helical torque motor essentially “screws” the pier into the ground until reaching competent soil or the recommended torque. They will then be attached to the structure to help with stabilization.

Both are primarily used for stabilization. If you’re bothered by your home or business being uneven or the floors being sloped, you can also lift the area affected to maximum practical recovery.

Voids in the soil don’t always result from lifting your slab-on-grade home or business. Soil erosion from water may have created them. Either way, you’ll want to support your foundation further by filling the voids and densifying the soil.

Polyurethane will be injected into the soil, which creates a foam-like substance that cures in 15 minutes and becomes as hard as concrete. Plus, it’s environmentally safe!

When it comes to concrete damage, Dalinghaus Construction does concrete removal and replacement. So we will shore the areas necessary to hold up your foundation to remove and replace the area that needs new concrete and rebar.

For cracks on the foundation, we will either use Epoxy, a resin as gets as hard as glue, which is gravity fed into the crack, or Carbon Fiber stitching, which will use small bits of carbon fiber to cover the crack, strengthen your foundation, and prevent water from getting into the crack to create more.

Why should I do foundation repair for my Mesa, AZ, property?


Foundations issues aren’t fun and won’t look good for your home. When you see cracks, gaps, and a chimney about to fall over, it’s unsettling. Thankfully, foundation repair will let you permanently address these foundation issues.


Your house isn’t gonna fall apart with cosmetic issues. Even if it was structural, it’s still unlikely your home or business will collapse. That said, structural damage can result in your property being red-tagged, meaning your residence is deemed too dangerous to inhabit.


You can feel the results of foundation settlements, whether it’s feeling your floor being uneven or your windows and doors feeling sticky when you try to open or close them. Foundation repair will prevent these signs from becoming worse, not to mention they can be addressed and won’t come back due to foundation issues.


If you plan to sell your property, foundation issues legally need to be disclosed. The results from this will more than likely decrease the value by 30% since you’ll be limited to cash buyers. Foundation repair will let you maintain your property’s full value. Even if the foundation repair costs a hefty load of money, you’ll most likely get more money in your wallet after your project is done.
home jackhammer
home jackhammer
Foundation Repair 1285
Foundation Repair 1285


We wish it was only foundation settlement or foundation heave that affected your home. When you deal with rebar blowout, foundation issues tend to accelerate as more moisture makes things worse. Concrete removal and replacement protect your home or business, especially when it has a more reliable foundation to count on.


When you own a business, workers and customers come in and out. Noticing signs related to a damaged foundation is not appealing. You want your workers to feel comfortable when they work and for customers to find your place of work to be inviting.


The damage doesn’t magically get better. Our experience has shown foundation issues become worse over time. You might be able to cover up the visual issues, but it’s like applying a bandaid over an open wound. Foundation repair will make it so those temporary solutions become permanent.


Going through foundation repair keeps your number one investment stabilized at full value. You, your family, your workers, your customers, and your pets will feel better not seeing those cracks and gaps around your home or business.

Are you concerned about your foundation? Schedule a foundation inspection in Mesa, AZ.

Dalinghaus Construction can help you with your foundation repair, whether you need an underpinning or concrete removal and replacement for your home or business. Don’t let foundation issues get you or your property down.

Have a foundation repair expert come to your home and business to take a look around for 60-90 minutes. That way we can figure out the problem and solution that best fits you.

We’re ready to help you – contact us today!

foundation repair

FREE Foundation Repair Guide

Download our free foundation repair guide for Southern California & Central Arizona homeowners.

This checklist will help you spot any common foundation problems around your home and how you can fix them.

Prescott Foundation Repair
Prescott Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair Services In Mesa

Ever since the 1930's homeowners in Lake Arrowhead have had to deal with the disadvantages that come with surface soils made up of expansive clay. We've been trusted with quite a few homes in Lake Arrowhead and the most common services we're hired for include:

Foundation Lifting & Leveling With Piers

Our team installs push piers or helical piers to competent, load-bearing strata to lift and level homes or commercial structures.

Slope Stabilization With Helical Tie-Backs

Our crews install a helical pier horizontally at ~30° into the slope or hillside and hydraulically drive it to competent soils before securing the tie-back with a plate bracket or encasing it in concrete.

Concrete Lifting & Leveling With Polyurethane

Using a geopolymer polyurethane foam we can permeate and densify soils, while lifting sunken or settled concrete slabs back to where they were originally poured. It's a controlled expansive foam!

Crawlspace Repairs

Homes with a raised foundation are built MUCH different than slab on grade foundations. These crawlspaces sometimes need special attention with all of our seismic activity.

Are you ready to learn more about what’s happening with your property's foundation?

We offer free, no-obligation foundation inspections.

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