Foundation Repair in Dana Point, CA

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Dana Point Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair In The City of Dana Point, CA

Dalinghaus Construction has been aiding Dana Point, CA, with foundation repair along with areas in Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada since 2015. We’re excellent at foundation stabilization, foundation leveling, crawl space repair, seawall repair, deep injection with polyurethane, and hillside stabilization. Dalinghaus Construction has become a trusted and reputable source for foundation repair needs, especially after completing over 2000 projects.

Our attention to detail is successful through our team of experienced professionals, capable of handling any job big or small. You can count on the job being done right.

How would I know the signs of foundation problems in Dana Point, CA? Are there other issues to look for?

Don’t worry if you see only one of these signs. They can be independent of foundation issues. If you find multiple signs, you’ll want to find see about getting an evaluation to see if you need foundation repair.

Dana Point, CA, still deals with foundation issues like the rest of California. The soil conditions are a little bit different since they’re sandier soils. Sandy soil is still susceptible to putting your home in danger of foundation settlement due to environmental factors such as moisture content and the environment.

While Dana Point, CA, is next to the coast, this area also has slopes that are difficult for a property owner to deal with. Soil will also move laterally to affect your home. That’s why retaining walls are a thing, though they can fail when enough pressure is applied to them. You’ll notice the issues when they start to lean.

And next to the coast to keep the ocean at bay will be a seawall. They do well in keeping the water from taking the soil and eroding it, but they can become damaged, too. You can see your seawall start to lean, crack, or have rebar blowout. Those are signs to have it looked at.

These issues from foundation repair, seawall repair, and hillside stabilization should be taken seriously. You need a trusted contractor to help you with these issues. Dalinghaus Construction provides these services in areas of Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada. We’re here to help you out.

What does the foundation repair process look like?

To start, you need to figure out the problem first. You wouldn’t get medicine before a doctor takes a look at you. What will happen first is we’ll have a Project Design Specialist come to your Dana Point, CA, property for a 60-90 minute evaluation of your foundation, retaining wall, or seawall. A scaled home diagram is drawn and floor elevation measurements are taken for evaluating the property.

From there, a repair plan is made based on what was discovered in the initial inspection. You’ll be provided a full report, a CAD drawing of your property, and a recommended repair plan.

Finally, repairs are made based on the proposed plan and permitting.

What are common methods for foundation repair, seawall repair, and hillside stabilization ?

Foundation repair comes in all variations, shapes, and sizes. Two effective methods often used are galvanized steel and helical piers.

You certainly pull push piers. Push piers are hydraulically driven into the ground until reaching bedrock or competent soil. They’re then attached to brackets installed on the concrete footing of your home or structure.

Helical piers are also galvanized steel but are put into the ground differently. These piers have helices attached to the base that allow them to be screwed into the ground using a motor. They’re driven down until reaching competent soil. From there, they’ll be attached to the brackets installed on the concrete footing of the structure you own.

Helical tiebacks are used to prevent lateral movement. They’re not only excellent at keeping your home or building from moving side-to-side, but they are excellent in hillside stabilization. They’re installed in the retaining wall until reaching competent soil. That way your retaining wall can do its job better.

And often with foundation repair (especially foundation leveling), polyurethane foam will be used for deep injection, soil strengthening, and void fill. Polyurethane foam cures in a matter of 15 minutes, is as strong as concrete when enough pressure is put onto it and is environmentally friendly.

Seawall repair is necessary, especially when you want to keep your seafront property. You might see your seawall leaning or cracked. Cracks can be addressed using carbon fiber. That way the water won’t sneak into the cracks and cause rebar blowout. Polyurethane can also be injected behind your seawall to diminish the amount of hydrostatic pressure your seawall is dealing with – all the while filling voids.

How are foundation cracks repaired?

There are two big ways to address foundation crack repair.

Carbon fiber stitching (mentioned with seawall repair earlier) is excellent for covering cracks and providing strength to prevent more from appearing. It’s also excellent for waterproofing.

Epoxy is another good method for foundation crack repair. Epoxy is basically a super-glue-like substance, but more hardcore. It’s filled into the cracks to keep everything together.


Why do I need foundation repair, seawall repair, or hillside stabilization in Dana Point, CA


You want to feel comfortable in your own home. Sure, you’re not facing any immediate danger, but seeing cracked walls and your doors being difficult to open doesn’t offer much in terms of your peace of mind. Foundation repair prevents cosmetic issues from getting worse.


Foundation repair now is cheaper than foundation repair later. We get it – foundation repair isn’t cheap. Though the longer foundation repair is delayed, the more your can expect to pay later.


Foundation repair prevents those cosmetic issues from becoming structural. Structural issues might not be an immediate danger, but your home or property can be red-tagged.


Seawalls are amazing in defending your property against the motion of the ocean, but they can still struggle without proper maintenance. Seawall repair will make it so your wall can be reinforced, prevent soil erosion, and maintain your property value.
home jackhammer
home jackhammer
Foundation Repair 1285
Foundation Repair 1285


A bowing or leaning retaining wall means that there is a failure that will eventually and inevitably give out. You don’t want soil assaulting your home or the soil on your property getting to your neighbor. Either way, you can expect damage to your home if you go without hillside stabilization.


Foundation repair, seawall repair, and hillside stabilization allow you to maintain property value. When you have certain issues on your property, it has to legally be disclosed on the market when you decide to sell. The result of this can limit your perspective of buyers. You might limit yourself to cash buyers, who can negotiate the worth of your property to 70% of its original value.


Foundation settlement will cause your floor to slope. It usually isn’t your whole home that starts to sink; it will be parts of the home. You don’t want to walk around your home feeling like you’re continuously off-balance. Foundation repair will make it so you can have some balance in your life.


You want to be comfortable knowing your property is okay. Foundation repair, seawall repair, and hillside stabilization can make you, your family, your workers, etc. feel more at peace, whether it’s for your home or commercial property.

Don’t wait - schedule your free foundation evaluation

You want to make sure your property is okay. If you’re seeing signs of a failing foundation, seawall, or retaining wall, you want to schedule a free evaluation sooner than later.

Note: evaluations are free for properties that are NOT on the market. A real estate inspection will cost $1000.

Your Dana Point, CA, home is your number one investment. You want to be sure it’s okay. Take your repairs seriously. It’ll provide more comfort in the long run.

Schedule a foundation evaluation if you’re having foundation, seawall, or hillside issues in Dana Point, CA, to protect your property and its value. Dalinghaus Construction is ready and waiting to help you the whole way – contact us today!

foundation repair

FREE Foundation Repair Guide

Download our free foundation repair guide for Southern California & Central Arizona homeowners.

This checklist will help you spot any common foundation problems around your home and how you can fix them.

Dana Point Foundation Repair
Dana Point Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair Services In Dana Point

Long before the city was incorporated, 1989, Dana point residents have been stuck dealing with the negatives that come with expansive clay soils beneath a home. With close to 100 Foundation Repair projects in Dana Point under our belt these are the services we're hired for most often:

Foundation Lifting & Leveling With Piers

Our team installs push piers or helical piers to competent, load-bearing strata to lift and level homes or commercial structures.

Slope Stabilization With Helical Tie-Backs

Our crews install a helical pier horizontally at ~30° into the slope or hillside and hydraulically drive it to competent soils before securing the tie-back with a plate bracket or encasing it in concrete.

Concrete Lifting & Leveling With Polyurethane

Using a geopolymer polyurethane foam we can permeate and densify soils, while lifting sunken or settled concrete slabs back to where they were originally poured. It's a controlled expansive foam!

Crawlspace Repairs

Homes with a raised foundation are built MUCH different than slab on grade foundations. These crawlspaces sometimes need special attention with all of our seismic activity.

Are you ready to learn more about what’s happening with your property's foundation?

We offer free, no-obligation foundation inspections.

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